Just Transition Finance Challenge
Based on our work as co-leaders of the G7 Impact Taskforce in 2021, we launched our Just Transition Finance Challenge. This community of practice brings together more than 25 global financial institutions with over £5 trillion of assets, or assets under management, that are committed to financing a just transition in the UK and emerging markets.
Together, we have developed the Just Transition Criteria, which which fund managers can use to design and structure investment products that deliver the three critical elements of a just transition:
- Advancing climate and environmental action – for example, greenhouse gas emission mitigation, reduction and removal
- Improving socio-economic distribution and equity – for example, inclusive opportunities for decent jobs
- Increasing community voice – through, for example, engagement and dialogue with affected communities that are often excluded and marginalised
The Challenge helps asset managers and asset owners respond to growing demand for investment products that deliver social and environmental benefits. It also support the development of products that genuinely look to advance a just transition to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
Catalytic capital for a global just transition
Our guide, Bridging divides: A guide on using catalytic capital for a global just transition provides a roadmap for achieving a fair and inclusive transition – a just transition – to net zero in emerging and frontier markets.
The guide is a comprehensive resource for catalytic capital providers, including development finance institutions, governments, philanthropic organisations, private investors, and corporations. It offers insights on how to unlock private capital investments for a net-zero transition that integrate climate action with social justice and local development needs.
The guide pays particular attention to how catalytic capital providers can partner with local actors, such as fund managers, investees, and communities, based in emerging and frontier markets. It also looks at the use of catalytic instruments in funds and financing vehicles that are well-suited to mobilise private capital at the scale needed for a global just transition.
Further resources
We are creating guides and case studies to help financial institutions develop products that support a just transition across different asset classes and geographies.

Are you interested in joining the Just Transition Finance Challenge?
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