Green gilt supported by Impact Investing Institute receives Climate Bonds Initiative award
The UK’s inaugural green gilt issuance, which was supported by the Impact Investing Institute, has been honoured by the Climate Bonds Initiative with their Largest Green Sovereign Bond and the Sovereign Green Market Pioneer awards.
Press release: We welcome the publication of the UK government’s Green Financing Framework and its commitment to report on the social co-benefits such as job creation and support to SMEs.
The Impact Investing Institute welcomes today’s announcement that the UK’s new green bond framework will include the reporting of social co-benefits, in addition to the environmental impact of green bond expenditure.
Impact Investing Institute to act as Secretariat for the UK government’s new Stakeholder Discussion Forum on green finance
The Impact Investing Institute is delighted to be a founding member and act as Secretariat for the UK Treasury and Debt Management Office’s new Stakeholder Discussion Forum on green finance.
Press release: UK government announces Sovereign Green Bond
The Impact Investing Institute, the Green Finance Institute and the LSE Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment are delighted to welcome the UK government’s announcement to issue a Sovereign Green Bond.
Press release: Investors with £10 trillion in assets call for the UK to issue a green+ sovereign bond
A UK green sovereign bond would finance the green recovery plans the Prime Minister outlined in his keynote speech this week, creating green-collar jobs across the country.