All our reports, consultation responses, and research are available to everyone interested in learning more about impact investing.
Mobilising institutional capital towards the SDGs and a Just Transition
Read this publication: Mobilising institutional capital towards the SDGs and a Just TransitionIn partnership with the Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG), we co-led the G7 Impact Taskforce, an independent, industry-led effort backed by the UK Government as part of the UK presidency of the G7 in 2021. Workstream B, the Workstream led by the Impact Investing Institute, had a particular focus on identifying concrete instruments and policies for financing the Sustainable…
Building Strong Places: a new, impactful role for financial institutions
Read this publication: Building Strong Places: a new, impactful role for financial institutionsOur report, “Building Strong Places: a new, impactful role for financial institutions” was written with Metro Dynamics for Lloyds Banking Group, and explores how mainstream financial institutions can engage in place-based impact investing. The report recognises the urgent need for transformational investment that improves people’s lives while futureproofing the UK economy, particularly given the importance of…
Knowledge Exchange Series: Insights from global impact investing market-builders
Read this publication: Knowledge Exchange Series: Insights from global impact investing market-buildersThis document presents a summary of the key insights gathered in each session of our Knowledge Exchange Series from market-builders operating in a variety of national contexts, as well as leading practitioners and thought leaders who were invited as guest speakers in different sessions. These insights provide an accurate reflection of the challenges, opportunities, solutions…
Knowledge Exchange Series No.7: How DFIs and NABs can partner to move more capital for impact in local markets
Read this publication: Knowledge Exchange Series No.7: How DFIs and NABs can partner to move more capital for impact in local marketsThe seventh session of the Knowledge Exchange Series explored how impact investing National Advisory Boards (NABs) and other market-building organisations can effectively partner with development finance institutions (DFIs) to leverage sources of finance, expertise and solutions to support economic development and quality of life in their respective markets.
Knowledge Exchange Series No.6: Working with Government to shape transformative policy for impact investing
Read this publication: Knowledge Exchange Series No.6: Working with Government to shape transformative policy for impact investingThe sixth session of the Knowledge Exchange Series explored how impact investing National Advisory Boards (NABs) and other market-builders can use their platforms to work with governments and create an enabling environment for impact investing, to help unleash finance, innovation, and entrepreneurship to solve pressing issues such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the climate emergency.
The Green+ Bond: How EU Sovereign and Corporate Issuers could deliver Green Sovereign Bonds with Social Co-Benefits
Read this publication: The Green+ Bond: How EU Sovereign and Corporate Issuers could deliver Green Sovereign Bonds with Social Co-BenefitsOur paper, “The Green+ Bond: How EU Sovereign and Corporate Issuers could deliver Green Sovereign Bonds with Social Co-Benefits”, co-authored with the LSE’s Grantham Research Institute, emphasises the strategic potential for a green sovereign bond with well-defined social and economic benefits to support the European Commission’s new Strategy for “financing the transition to a sustainable economy.”
The UK’s Green Gilt: Demonstrating the Contribution to Jobs and Levelling Up
Read this publication: The UK’s Green Gilt: Demonstrating the Contribution to Jobs and Levelling UpA working paper on the UK’s Green Gilt: Demonstrating the Contribution to Jobs and Levelling Up, co-authored with the LSE’s Grantham Research Institute.
White Paper: Scaling up institutional investment for place-based impact
Read this publication: White Paper: Scaling up institutional investment for place-based impactOur joint white paper “Scaling up institutional investment for place-based impact” sets out the case for institutional investors to adopt a “place-based lens.” The report shows that there are real opportunities for investors to secure financial returns while addressing place-based inequalities and support more inclusive and sustainable development across the UK.
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